APM - Constitution


The Association of Professors of Mission Constitution



Adopted: June 15, 1954

Revised: June 13, 1962; June 10, 1974; June 18, 1999; June 16, 2000; June 21, 2002; June 22, 2012 


I. NAME: The Association of Professors of Mission


II. PURPOSE: The objective of this Association shall be to promote among its members Christian fellowship, spiritual life, and professional usefulness.


III. MEMBERSHIP: Membership is open to anyone involved or interested in the teaching of Christian mission. APM membership is by application available from the Secretary-Treasurer. Names of Members who fail to pay their dues for three successive years shall be removed from the membership rolls. 



1. The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, Second Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer. 

2. These four officers shall form the Executive committee. 

3. The officers of the Association shall serve through the succeeding annual meeting or until their successors are installed. 

4. In the event that the President, through resignation or any other cause, is unable to complete the term of office, the Vice-President shall succeed to the office. 

5. A vacancy in the office of Vice-President or Secretary-Treasurer shall be filled by the Executive Committee. 


V. MEETINGS: This Association shall convene, preferably in conjunction with the meeting of the American Society of Missiology.  The time and place are to be determined by the Executive Committee.  Other meetings may be called by the Executive Committee by notifying the members in writing at least thirty days in advance. 



1. Dues for the succeeding year shall be set at each annual meeting. 

2. The Secretary-Treasurer's accounts shall be audited by the President at the annual meeting. 


VII. AMENDMENTS: This constitution may be amended at any annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present.